The Final Push: 30 Things To Do In The Third Trimester
Hey, mama! Hello, third trimester! You’re in the final push! Congrats! Hopefully, you’re feeling good, over the morning sickness, and ready to meet that baby. There’s bound to be so much running through your head. Hopefully, I will be able to help you navigate that ever-growing mental task list that is doing a conga line in your mind!
The ultimate to-do list for the third trimester of pregnancy! Put those nesting urges to good use by doing these 30 things before the baby comes. You’ll be happy you did! There’s even a printable PDF checklist 🙂
Tour Your Chosen Birthing Place
You can usually set up a time to tour your hospital or birthing center. Not only does it let your familiarize yourself with the place you’re bringing your baby into the world, but it’s nice to take a look at their amenities and daydream about your upcoming big day. Even with the pandemic, most locations offer a virtual option run by one of the staff so you can ask all your questions.
Take A Breastfeeding Class
Before having kids, breastfeeding seems pretty self-explanatory. You put the baby to your breast, and they drink the milk that comes out. Well, not exactly. It’s actually a lot more complicated than that. I always remind my clients that, on average, it takes at least 2 weeks for you and your baby to learn one another.
Many women struggle with breastfeeding, but knowledge is power!
There are different options out there, but I highly recommend checking out this online course by Milkology. It’s affordable and full of information that will set you up for success before your baby arrives. You can also start the hunt for a lactation consultant near you. Many offer home visits or even virtual if need be!
Install The Car Seat
Now. Go do it now. Trust me, they seem simple but once you’re in the thick of it, sweating and frustrated. Plus this gives you plenty of time to make sure it’s installed correctly. Usually, the local fire department or police station can help with this!
Wash All The Things
Specifically the baby’s, but hey do you boo! The third trimester is the perfect time to take all of the clothes and bedding you got as gifts and wash them. Then you can organize and put them all away. Seriously…little onesies folded up are some of the cutest things!
Do I need to expand on this one? hah!
Maternity Leave
You’ve probably already had a discussion with your job and/or the HR department; however, the third trimester is a good time to circle back and make sure everything is in order. Be sure to ask for all the paperwork you will need to have your care provider fill out!
Again, you’ve probably already had a chat but it’s smart to circle back and confirm your benefits. You’d be shocked at some of the benefits that go unused simply due to not asking! Get your free breast pump, and find out if they cover lactation support, prenatal massages might be covered. Don’t be afraid to dig for some info!
Finish Up Your Birth Plan
The third trimester is the perfect time to make things final! Explore some fun options instead of just a plain word document. Motherboard Birth has an amazing interactive one here. Or maybe you’d like a visual one, like this one from Mama Natural.
Create A Postpartum Care Kit
The third trimester is when you really start thinking about what your recovery will be like. Setting up a solid care kit to keep by your toilet is essential! Frida Mom even has a whole premade kit for you! Bodily does as well that’s just as great!
Take Maternity Photos And Schedule Newborn Session
You can’t go back and get them once the time has passed! I highly recommend MJ’s Photography if you are local to Houston!
Thanks for stopping by, friend! I hope you learned a few things and will stick around for more! Want the full checklist of 30 tasks for your third trimester?